Find something that fits, wear it, get it dirty, wash it, repeat. We’ve got a few cool things in our new merch shop.
Givem’a gander and Great Success!


HappyDay Farms is a small, diversified family farm located in the hills of Northern Mendocino County, California.
In addition to medicinal Sungrown cannabis, HappyDay Farms grows produce and flowers for our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and local farmers’ markets. Our unique terroir and microclimate produces small-batch, craft medicinal cannabis products from artisanal, seed-stock varietals.
Happy Day Farms provides direct access to local, seasonal, farm-fresh produce, allowing our community to reconnect with the local food supply and producer.
We utilize sustainable practices to grow fresh, high-quality food. Our goal is to create community through eating right and sharing the wealth of our harvest.
Pure, Regenerative, Beyond Organic.
Pure Certificate redefines what the Cannabis industry sees as pure, clean medicine. Pure certification involves education and the highest of beyond organic gardening standards with nature as a guide.
This certification is an agreement, a mutual understanding of true health and commitment to safe guard the integrity of this master plant’s reputation. It recognizes the highest growing practices for healthy, clean medicine.

Our Cannabis
Grown with the sun, from seeds that we save. Our cannabis is Sun & Earth and Pure Certified on a multi-generational farm that focuses on the triple bottom line.
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